
EDI Developmental Domains

Physical Health and Well-being

Measures motor development, energy levels, preparedness for the school day and restroom independence. E.g., Can the child hold a pencil? Is the child able to manipulate objects? Is the child on time for school?

Number of items in questionnaire: 13

Social Competence

Measures behavior in structured environments including cooperation, respect for others and socially responsible behavior. E.g., Is the child able to follow class routines? Is the child self-confident? Is the child eager to read a new book?

Number of items in questionnaire: 26

Emotional Maturity

Measures behaviors in less formal environments focusing on helping others, tolerance and demonstrating empathy. E.g., Does the child comfort a child who is crying or upset? Does the child help clean up a mess?

Number of items in questionnaire: 30

Language and Cognitive Development

Measures an interest in books, reading, language skills, literacy and math-related activities. E.g., Is the child interested in reading and writing? Can the child count and recognize numbers? Is the child able to read simple sentences?

Number of items in questionnaire: 26

Communication Skills and General Knowledge

Measures the ability to clearly communicate one’s own needs, participate in storytelling, and general interest in the world. E.g., Can the child tell a story? Can the child communicate with adults and children? Can the child take part in imaginative play?

Number of items in questionnaire: 8